At the end of your team's sprint planning meeting, the team needs to turn in a sprint plan. This document needs to be submitted into the team's folder in the shared Google Drive for the class.
- Heading: Document name ("Sprint {number} Plan"), game name, team name, sprint completion date, revision number & revision date.
- Goal: Short, 1-2 sentence description of the high-level goal(s) for the sprint.
- Task listing, organized by user story: This section lists the user stories, in priority order from most important (top) to least important (bottom). Within each user story, there needs to be a list of tasks required to implement the user story, along with the time estimate for each tasks. This should look like:
User story 1 ("As a {user role}, I want {goal} [so that {reason}]")
Task 1 description (time estimate for task 1)
Task 2 description (time estimate for task 2)
Task N description (time estimate for task N of user story 1)
Total for user story 1: XX hours
User story 2
Task 1 description (time estimate for task 1)
Task 2 description (time estimate for task 2)
Task N description (time estimate for task N of user story 2)
Total for user story 2: YY hours
User story M
Task 1 description (time estimate for task 1)
Task 2 description (time estimate for task 2)
Task N description (time estimate for task N of user story M)
Total for user story M: ZZ hours
- Initial task assignment: A listing of each team member, with their first user story and task assigment. This should look like:
Team member 1: user story, initial task
Team member 2: user story, initial task
Team member N: user story, initial task
- Initial burndown chart: A graph giving the initial burndown chart for this sprint should be posted next to the team's scrum board.
- Initial scrum board: Also known as a task board, the scrum board is a physical board (this can be virtual if using a web-based agile planning tool that provides scrum board capability) placed on a wall in the game lab. This board has at least four columns, titled user stories, tasks not started, tasks in progress, and tasks completed. Index cards or post-it notes representing the user stories and the tasks for this sprint should be placed in the user stories, tasks not started, and tasks in progress columns. Tasks associated with a user story should be placed in the same row as the user story. See Figure 4.7 (page 73) of Agile Game Development with Scrum for an example.
- Scrum times: List the days and times during the week when your team will meet and conduct scrum meetings.
Note that if the team ended up modifying its release plan during sprint planning, an updated release plan document also needs to be submitted with the sprint plan.